January 4, 2009

First Post!!

Here it is... a blog for our little quilting group.

For those of you new to blogs, here is how this works. The page you first come to (where you are now) is the "main" page and shows the MOST RECENT posts or "articles." If you want to add a comment, you have to click on the title of the post or on the comments link at the bottom; this will take you to the page with all the details for that individual post. There will be a box at the bottom where you can type your comments. You can choose to use an identity that you have set up with Blogger, OpenID, or a few other common communities, or you can post anonymously. If you post comments anonymously PLEASE add your name to the end so that the rest of us know who said what.

Posts older than 14 days are stored in the Archives by month. Click on the month you want to look through and you will see the names of the articles posted in that month. Click on a name to view the post and all responses to it.

I suggest that everyone subscribe to the blog in whatever way they prefer, so that you will know when there is a new post. Look to the right for the subscription boxes. You can subscribe by e-mail or use whatever feed type you like (if you don't know what a feed is, don't worry... just subscribe for e-mail notification of new posts). You can always just bookmark the page and check for updates, but I think it's nice to get a notice when a new post is published.

The information posted on the blog will not disappear, so you don't have to worry about where that e-mail with addresses, project supplies, or directions went. There will be a photo gallery (soon, I hope). I hope to set up a small calender that will show meeting dates. I think that Kathie might want to be set up with rights to publish new posts so she can put meeting reminders and notes up for us.

If you have questions about how any of this works, how to set things up, or ideas for improvements, please let me know and I will help you out. I think this will be a valuable tool for us to stay in touch with each other and with our supporters.


  1. This seems like a good way to communicate although I do not see how it is different from just sending a group email...??? Anyway, do not worry about the February One More Redeemer as Sue Stein donated a lovely red top that we may want to add to [or not] that just needs quilting. I have batting and a back for it. I will bring it to the Tuesday meeting. Also, whoever has Rose Allen's traveling box, could you bring it to the meeting even if you are not done as I would like to have a reminder of what she wants since I think that is the only box that I have not completed. We are getting close to the end on these!! Happy New Year! Martha

  2. Love the blog idea! I would like rights so i can post the images of our quilts and files for some of the cards so you can print your own.

  3. I think I just subscribed--we'll see if it works eventually--hasn't shown up yet. It would be great to have rights to post so we can get our schedule up for everyone to see.
